




February 10, 2023



In this Issue: 

  • 接近中途点

  • 众议院司法委员会举行会议

  • 众议院交通委员会召开会议

  • Clean Day Event

  • Action This Week

  • Bills of Interest

  • 美国农业部灾害援助

  • 灭鼠行动警报 

  • GFB Day at The Capitol



This week the halls of the Capitol were crowded and busy as groups from all over the state representing many different industries traveled to Atlanta. 乔治亚州林业协会, 乔治亚州青年农民协会, and Georgia 4-H all hosted their members at the capitol as they advocated for the state's agriculture industry.

为期4天的国会会议即将结束,本周将迎来第16个立法日. 影响格鲁吉亚农业的立法已经通过了各个委员会, 随着跨界日的临近,我们期待看到参众两院的投票结果. All legislation must pass through the chamber in which it originated by crossover day to have a chance at final passage this year.

The General Assembly will return to Atlanta to resume legislative work on Monday, February 13, for legislative day 17. 随着立法会议的继续, 乔治亚农场局将继续每天在国会大厦代表我们的成员.



The House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee met this week on Wednesday, February 8, 涉及几项立法. HB 33 by Rep. Beth Camp (R-Concord), which seeks to establish the State Board of Veterinary Medicine as an independent agency attached to the Department of Agriculture for administrative purposes, passed out of committee with a favorable vote. 现在必须由规则委员会将其提交众议院进行全体投票. 目前,国家兽医委员会隶属于州务卿的许可部门. GFB has been engaged on this issue with legislators and interested parties, 并将在立法过程中继续监督立法的进展.

Additionally, the committee voted on and passed HB 132 by Rep. 大卫·詹金斯(R-Grantville). 该法案将允许在建筑或维修任何附属结构时使用未分级的木材,这些附属结构不包含分区或主要用于住宅或农业目的的可居住空间. We appreciate Rep. Jenkins for bringing this bill as it will directly benefit GFB members who utilize these types of materials for ancillary structures on their farm. 我们希望看到众议院对这项立法进行全体投票,并将继续倡导它的通过.


House Transportation Hears Truck Weights Bill

On Thursday, February 9, 众议院运输委员会就HB 189听取了超过五个半小时的证词, sponsored by Rep. 史蒂文·米克斯(r - screen), that seeks to increase allowable haul weights, including trucks hauling agricultural commodities. GFB作证支持该法案, 理由是格鲁吉亚需要与我们的邻国在一个公平的竞争环境中竞争,而且每次运输更多的产品将对农民的底线有好处. 全球粮食计划署强调,在考虑到水分含量或牲畜活重波动的情况下,必须考虑到运输商品的不可预测性. Georgia Farm Bureau has joined a large group of allied organizations and other industries as a part of the Georgia Economic Competitiveness Coalition, 它试图强调运输重量的增加是一个重要的经济问题. The bill passed committee with a Y:18 to N:11 vote and will now need to be passed out of the Rules Committee for a full vote by the House.



乔治亚州农业部计划在3月29日举行农药清洁日活动, 2023, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM at Tri County Gin in Coffee County. Clean Day is a program that gives everyone an opportunity to discard old, unusable, or cancelled pesticides to a hazardous waste contractor for disposal. 所有私人和商业申请者都可以免费参加清洁日计划,但要了解该活动是为农民设计和设计的, lawn care, golf courses, 虫害防治公司.

乔治亚州农业部将要求对这些活动进行预先登记. For more information about the event please contact your local extension agent or click the button below.

Click Here


Disaster and Pandemic Assistance Programs 

Starting Jan 23, 农业生产者可以开始申请两个新的重要项目来弥补收入损失, from 2020 and 2021 natural disasters or the COVID-19 pandemic. Both programs equitably fill gaps in earlier assistance. 

First, you may be eligible for assistance through the 紧急救援计划 (ERP)第二阶段,如果您在2020年和2021年遭受了符合条件的自然灾害造成的收入损失. ERP Phase Two is for producers who didn't receive assistance from ERP Phase One.   

您可能也有资格获得 大流行病援助收入计划 (PARP) if you experienced revenue losses in calendar year 2020. PARP is addressing gaps in previous pandemic assistance, which was targeted at price loss or lack of market access, 而不是整体收入损失.  

Applications for both new programs are due June 2, 2023, and you can apply for both programs during your same appointment with USDA's Farm Service Agency (FSA). 

Historically, FSA programs have been designed to make direct payments to producers based on a single disaster event or for a single commodity loss. 对于你们中的许多人来说,这可能是你们向FSA申请的第一个基于收入的项目. Please click the button below for more information. 

Click Here


环境保护署(EPA)目前正在接受关于几种灭鼠剂临时注册审查决定的意见. 包括在决定中, EPA would classify nearly all anticoagulant rodenticides as Restricted Use Products (RUPs) and require certification for their use. This could decrease the availability of these products with current retailers as well as add additional cost, time, 为格鲁吉亚的农民提供人力. 我们敦促您点击下面的“采取行动”链接向EPA提交意见,让他们知道继续获得灭鼠剂对您的运营很重要. Feel free to personalize the message to let EPA know the economic and safety impacts these products provide for you. The deadline to provide feedback is February 13, 2023.

Click Here


Action This Week

HB 33:
Reps. Camp, Mathiak, Lim, Au和Cameron
该法案将建立国家兽医委员会,使其成为隶属于农业部的独立机构,用于管理目的. The State Board of Veterinary Medicine serves as the licensing board for veterinarians in the state of Georgia. Currently, this board is administratively attached to the Secretary of State and is under the professional licensing boards division. 该法案将为该委员会设立一个执行董事的职位,并赋予他们聘请外部调查人员检查兽医诊所的权力, equipment, and mobile clinics.
众议院农业 & 消费者事务委员会2023年8月2日


HB 73:
Reps. Gullett, Parsons, Thomas, Anderson, Meeks, and others
This bill deals with ensuring transparency between buyers and sellers of distributed energy generation systems, 包括太阳能采购, and provides access to educational information surrounding contracts and agreements for such systems. It specifically looks to address deceptive business practices seen throughout the state by certain companies selling rooftop solar systems.
Passed out of Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications Committee on 2/8/2023


HB 132:
Reps. Jenkins, Pirkle, Knight, Huddleston, and Camp
This bill authorizes the use of ungraded lumber in the construction or repair of any accessory structure not primarily used as habitable space. 
众议院农业 & 消费者事务委员会会议


HB 189:
Reps. Meeks, Burchett, Corbett, Frye, Dickey, and others
This bill would increase the current total gross vehicle weight (GVW) allowed for various trucks and haulers to include a 12.5% variance, allowing for 5-axle trucks to haul up to 90,000lbs. 值得注意的是,在过去的两年里,我们一直在执行州长布莱恩·肯普(Brian Kemp)的各种行政命令,允许卡车最多运送95辆,000lbs (GVW) in an effort to combat supply chain issues stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic and other global market disruptions. Currently, there is a 5% variance allowed for trucks hauling agricultural commodities and other specified goods within 100 miles of the farm. This bill would expand that to all cargo across all industries and increase the weight limit to a total GVW of 90,000lbs.
Passed House Transportation Committee 2/9/2023


HB 246:
Reps. Momtahan, Parsons, Dickey, Tarvin, Pirkle, and others
该法案将禁止外国人拥有某些类型的土地或财产, 包括农场和农业用地, by Chinese, Russian, Iranian, 或朝鲜政府, citizens, or companies. It would both prohibit direct ownership but also ownership through majority stock or other specified intertest.
Assigned to House Judiciary Committee 2/7/2023


HB 251:
Reps. Schofield, Drenner, Kennard, Evans and Hutchinson
该法案将要求公共服务委员会制定法规,逐步减少乔治亚州每家电力公司的二氧化碳排放, regardless of fuel type. It would require that by 2050 all electricity provided by an electric utility in Georgia be generated from energy sources that produce zero greenhouse gasses.
分配到房屋能源,公用事业 & 电讯委员会2023年7月2日


HB 262:
Reps. Lewis-Ward, Beverly, Jackson, and  Gilliard 
分配到家庭农业 and Consumer Affairs Committee on 2/7/2023


HB 287:
Reps. 托马斯,斯科菲尔德和马林
该法案将确立建立和运营微型企业家庭厨房的能力. This would be a noncommercial kitchen facility located in a private home or on a farm where ready-to-eat food is handled, stored, prepared, or offered for sale for consumption off the premises. The kitchen must meet the criteria to be a microenterprise as established by the Department of Economic Development. This bill would exclude food sales establishments, any food production which requires a license by the Dept. 农业,以及更多.
分配到家庭农业 and Consumer Affairs Committee on 2/08/2023


HB 300:
Reps. Smith, Kelley, Williamson, Stephens, and Blackmon
这项立法将建立太阳能技术信托基金,并对格鲁吉亚太阳能设备的零售销售征收每千瓦容量15美元的费用. The fees collected would be used by the trust fund for remediation, decommissioning, 以及太阳能设备的处理, such as solar panels.
分配到房屋能源,公用事业 & 电信委员会2023年9月2日


HB 305:
Reps. Dickey, Houston, Gilliard, and Carpenter
Over the past few years there has been discussion over how to address issues with our state's Farmers Markets, some of which are in need of substantial capital repairs and improvements. Several of the markets have also suffered from profitability issues, leading to the temporary closing of certain markets. This bill seeks to establish the Georgia Farmers Market Authority, allowing the state's markets to be run more like a business by retaining the income it generates and using it to operate and improve the markets.
分配到家庭农业 & 消费者事务委员会2023年9月2日


HB 311:
Reps. Smith, Stephens, Knight, Greene, Blackmon, and others
该法案是最近通过的宪法修正案的授权立法,该修正案规定了对位于国家宣布的联邦灾区的某些财产的可选临时税收减免. 去年11月对宪法修正案的投票获得了近92%的赞成票.
Assigned to House Ways & 2023年2月8日


HB 321:
Reps. 斯科特,斯科菲尔德和戴维斯
Under this proposal, 人类服务部可以建立健康食品发展项目, to establish, support, facilitate, and expand access to healthy foods in eligible underserved areas, in coordination with Departments of Economic Development, Agriculture, and Natural Resources on an approved application basis.
分配到家庭农业 & 消费者事务委员会会议


HR 135:
Reps. Dickey, Leverett, Washburn, Fleming, Pirkle, and others
House Adopted 2/7/2023


SB 39:
Sens Jackson, Goodman, Summers and Butler
This bill, 被称为“乔治亚大麻种植法案”,“将改变对个人申请大麻种植许可证的限制. It would change current law to allow individuals who are convicted of a misdemeanor involving the sale of a controlled substance, to apply for and be given a license or permit to grow industrial hemp. It would also allow someone convicted of a felony to apply for and receive a license or permit after 10 years has passed from said felony.
参议院农业 & 消费者事务委员会2023年7月2日


SB 60:
Sens Hatchett, Ginn, Albers, Robertson, Kennedy and others
去年,参议员Bo Hatchett (R-Cornelia)提出了一项立法,以解决二次金属回收商提出的担忧,这些回收商的商业行为在支付押金的方式上受到限制. 根据现行法律,回收商只能使用支票、电子资金转账或代金券付款. GFB along with other interested organizations worked closely with Sen. Hatchett to seek a solution that alleviated their business expenses by allowing for limited cash payment (up to $100) for deposits excluding utility wire, communications copper, copper wire, batteries, 或者催化转化器. The bill did not receive final passage last year, so Sen. 哈切特重新引入了SB 60法案,该法案与去年的立法几乎相同. It seeks to find a reasonable balance between deterrence of widespread metal theft while still allowing for a business-friendly environment. We appreciate Sen. 哈切特正在与所有感兴趣的各方合作,寻找解决方案,并为最常从农场和农业经营中被盗的物品和金属财产提供具体的雕刻.
Passed Senate Judiciary Committee 2/6/202


SB 121:
Sens. Anderson, Ginn, Gooch, Kennedy, Robertson, and others.
This bill prohibits local governments from denying the installation of a water well serving a single-family residence situated on a parcel of one acre or more. 因此,它将允许钻探, servicing, or repair of new or existing wells on single-family residential and farm properties.


SR 106:
Sens. Goodman, Anderson, Walker, Sims, Watson, and others. 
This resolution acknowledges February 8th, 2023, as 乔治亚州青年农民协会 Day at the Capitol and commemorates the work done by the members of this organization. 


Bills of Interest

HB 53:
Reps. Corbett, Meeks, Pirkle, Dickey, and Williams
该法案将设立国家林农注册委员会,作为隶属于国家林业委员会的独立机构,用于管理目的. Currently the Board is under the professional licensing boards division of the Secretary of State's office.
Assigned to House Natural Resources and Environment Committee on 1/23/2023


HB 82:
Reps. Jackson, Hawkins, Cooper, Williams, Beverly, and others  
This bill would eliminate the current tax credit available for rural physicians and replace it with a new tax credit of up to $5,每一课税年度为000元. The new tax credit would be available to a wider array of health care professionals including dentists, nurse practitioners, 物理助理等. 它还规定了某些限制,例如可以申请的年限上限(5年)以及对已经在农村地区工作的人的限制.
Assigned to House Ways and Means Committee on 1/31/2023


HB 162: 
Reps. McDonald, Blackmon, Gillard, Meeks, and Barrett
This bill issues a tax return to all qualified taxpayers who filed an individual tax return for both 2021 and 2022. For a single or married taxpayer filing separately, they will receive $250. For a head of household, they will receive $375. For a married couple filing jointly, they will receive $500. 


HR 32:
Reps. Balinger, Jasperse, Ridley, Byrd, Thomas, Scoggins
本决议表彰雪莉·帕尔, program coordinator and office manager for the Cherokee County Farm Bureau, 表彰她与立法者的合作, 县内领导, 并致力于为她的社区服务. The members of the State House of Representatives congratulate her on her retirement and extends their best wishes.


HR 96: 
Reps. Williams, Petrea, Dickey, Corbett, Rhodes, and others.
该决议提出了一项州宪法修正案,该修正案将降低木材销售或采伐时的从价税评估率. The proposal would require that the state appropriate funds annually to each county or municipality to compensate for any loss in revenue.
Assigned to House Ways and Means Committee 2/6/2023


SR 18:
Sens Walker, Goodman, Dixon, Echols, Anderson
这项决议承认2月21日, 2023, 在国会大厦举行的FFA日,并承认FFA对格鲁吉亚青年的积极影响.


SR 36:
Sens Walker, Goodman, Dixon, Echols, Sims, Anderson, and others
Recognizes February 8, 2023, as 4-H Day at the Capitol and commemorates the achievements of outstanding students within the organization this year.



今年的十大靠谱网赌官方平台日定于2月14日星期二在国会大厦举行. 我们希望你们能借此机会和我们一起在州议会大厦倡导乔治亚州的农业,并与你们的立法者以及来自全州各地的其他农业局成员见面.

The event will begin at 9:30am in the Blue Room at The Georgia Freight Depot. The Depot is located on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive just northwest of the Capitol, at Underground Atlanta. Following orientation, we encourage everyone to visit with your legislators at the Capitol and invite them to come back with you to the Depot to enjoy lunch at noon. Invitations will be sent out to all legislators, but a personal invitation from you would be especially helpful.

免费保安停车场位于亚特兰大喜来登酒店停车场, 位于东北考特兰街165号, and a shuttle bus service will run from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

You can access event and registration information by clicking the button below - please complete the registration by January 20th.

Register Here


Dates to Remember

Please see below for a list of upcoming events related to Georgia Agriculture:

  • February 14: Georgia Farm Bureau Day at the Capitol
  • February 21: Georgia FFA Day at the Capitol
  • March 1: PB&J  Day 
  • March 6: Georgia Cattleman's Steak Biscuit Day


不是十大靠谱网赌官方平台的成员? Join Today!

The Georgia Farm Bureau Federation has a membership of almost 250,000 and serves as state's the largest general farm organization.  Our goal is to provide leadership and assistance to the agricultural sector, 推广农产品, 协助农业相关采购, to be a spokesman for the farmer in the legislative arena, to be a leader in the development and expansion of farm markets, and to strive for more agricultural research and educational funds and facilities.

With members in all 159 Georgia counties, 乔治亚州农场局致力于促进和改善我们县的农业, state and nation and in continually improving and expanding our service-to-member programs which serve to enhance the quality of life for all Georgians.

Membership in Georgia Farm Bureau is open to everyone. You don't need to be a farmer or have insurance with us to join Farm Bureau!

If you would like to become a member of Georgia Farm Bureau, you can start your membership online right now! 我们有一个简单的申请程序,你可以在几分钟内成为我们的新十大靠谱网赌官方平台. 点击下面的按钮或使用我们的 County Office Locator 找离你最近的办公室.



Sign up for Legislative Alerts to receive this information by email. Legislative Alerts go out every Friday during session and occasionally for special alerts when necessary.

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Alex Bradford, Director
Adam Belflower,政府事务专员
Raynor Churchwell农业项目经理
Renee Jones,营运统筹
Jake Matthews,政府事务专员
Jeremy Taylor农业项目专家
Keaton Walker, Advocacy and Policy Development Specialist




January 13, 2023



In this Issue: 

  • 大会会议 

  • Inauguration Day

  • 新的参众两院领导人

  • 肯普州长预算提案

  • 新面孔加入GFB公共政策

  • 2023 Policies Established at the 104th AFBF Convention


大会会议 for 2023 Legislative Session

On January 9th, 2022, the Georgia General Assembly gathered for Day 1 of the 2023 legislative session. The chambers were buzzing with excitement, and it was hard to tell if it was for the start of a new legislative session or the national championship game to be played in Los Angeles later that night. With a Bulldog victory over the Horned Frogs on Monday, 联合国大会于1月11日星期三重新召开,开始为期40天会议的第二天.

On Monday the House and Senate passed an adjournment resolution setting the calendar for the remaining 40 days of the legislative session. Crossover Day, marking the point at which all bills must pass the chamber in which they originated to have a chance at final passage this year, 安排在星期一吗, March 6th. Sine Die, the last day of session, will be on Wednesday, March 29th. This session marks the first year of the two-year biennium, meaning there will be no legislation that carried over from last year.

 在本届会议开始时, we welcomed 52 newly elected freshmen legislators to the General Assembly -  10 new state senators and 42 new state representatives. Following a special election on January 31st, 另外三名大会新成员将填补众议院第七区的空缺席位, House District 172, and Senate District 11. The House seats were occupied by the late Speaker David Ralston (HD 7) and Rep. 山姆·沃森(HD 172)放弃了自己的职位,竞选空缺的参议院第11区席位, formerly held by Sen. Dean Burke (SD 11).

Legislators met for a total of 4 legislative days this week, adjourning on Friday. They will return on Monday January 23rd, for Legislative Day 5. Next week will largely consist of appropriations hearings as the General Assembly looks to set funding levels for 2024 and amend the FY2023 budget.

Read about the first week of session in Georgia Farm Bureau's Legislative Report
(图片来源:House Media Services)


Inauguration Day - Georgia's Constitutional Officers

As we enter a new year and legislative session, 我们欢迎新当选的和再次当选的宪法官员. 州参众两院的联席会议在乔治亚州会议中心召开, where Governor Brain Kemp and all other constitutional officers were sworn in. 在肯普州长的就职演说中, he highlighted his accomplishments over the past four years and outlined his plan to build on that success during his second term. 在去年11月赢得连任后,州长布莱恩·肯普将继续其四年任期, 赢得了全州53%的选票.

Former State Senator Burt Jones from Jackson, Georgia will be serving as our state's next Lieutenant Governor. 泰勒·哈珀(Tyler Harper)接任了自1969年以来佐治亚州第三任农业专员的职务. 哈珀此前曾担任乔治亚州第七选区的州参议员. Returning for another term will be Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, 司法部长克里斯·卡尔, 十大靠谱网赌官方平台业监理专员金约翰, and State School Superintendent Richard Woods. 新当选的乔治亚州劳工专员是前州参议员布鲁斯·汤普森.

Georgia Farm Bureau congratulates all of our elected constitutional officers, and we look forward to working with them throughout the 2023 legislative session and for the years to come.

Georgia Farm Bureau congratulates all of our elected constitutional officers, and we look forward to working with them throughout the 2023 legislative session and for the years to come.




With quite a few new faces in the Georgia General Assembly also comes changes to key leadership positions in both the State House and Senate. This week, Sen. Russ Goodman (R-Cogdell) was named Chairman of the Senate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee for the upcoming legislative session. Sen. Goodman is a 7th generation farmer in South Georgia and is a great friend to agriculture and Farm Bureau.

The passing of longtime Speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives, David Ralston, late last year came as sad news to all those who knew him. 在过去的12年里,拉尔斯顿议长作为大会成员和众议院议长的工作将在未来很长一段时间内对我们的州产生积极的影响. Taking over the role as Speaker this year is Rep. 乔恩·伯恩斯在乔治亚州纽因顿报道. 伯恩斯曾担任众议院多数党领袖,代表众议院159区. We are excited to have such a strong supporter of agriculture and Farm Bureau in this distinguished position. 

Continuing in her role as House Speaker Pro-Tempore is Rep. 47区的简·琼斯. Rep. 104区的Chuck Efstration将担任众议院多数党领袖,143区的James Beverley将继续担任众议院少数党领袖. For a comprehensive list of the leadership posts in the House please click here.

Serving as the new Senate President Pro-Tempore is Sen. John F. Kennedy of District 18. Sen. Steve Gooch of District 51 will be the new Senate Majority Leader and Sen. Gloria Butler of District 55 will serve as the Senate Minority Leader. 请看看其他在新一届立法会议中担任领导职务的参议员 click here.



On Friday Governor Kemp released his AFY2023 and FY2024 Budget Report. With state revenues continuing to remain strong, Georgia is on solid footing with a Revenue Shortfall Reserve in excess of $5 billion and additional funds marked as Undesignated Shortfall Reserve. 肯普州长计划再次使用10亿美元的州储备金作为一次性纳税人退款,另外10亿美元用于一次性房主税收减免补助金(HTRG)计划. The Governor's proposed budget for FY2024 also includes a $2,000 cost of living increase for all state employees totaling around $243 million. 其他项目包括对经济发展、K-12教育和执法的投资. 




我们很高兴地欢迎两位新面孔加入乔治亚州农场局(GFB)公共政策部. 早在10月,GFB欢迎基顿·沃克成为新的倡导和政策发展专家. She is married to Dr. Clay Walker with one son, Canaan, and currently lives in Hawkinsville, Georgia. Walker grew up on a family farm in Colquitt County raising cattle and quail. She is a graduate of Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College and the University of Georgia with a degree in Agricultural Communications. 在她之前的职业生涯中,她曾在Circle F Farms和Georgia National Fairgrounds任职 & Agricenter. At GFB, Walker will oversee GFB's annual policy development process, 新成立的PAC的运作, and coordinate members' grassroots advocacy initiatives.


Adam Belflower joins Georgia Farm Bureau

Keaton Walker

Adam Belflower

In January, Adam Belflower joined the team as a Governmental Affairs Specialists. He is a recent graduate of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences where he studied Agribusiness. 贝尔弗劳尔来自乔治亚州的科克伦,在那里他就读于布莱克利县高中. At a young age he realized his love for agriculture while working on various farms in Bleckley County. In hopes of pursuing a career in agriculture, he attended UGA and became an active member of UGA's Young Farmer & Rancher (YF&R) chapter. Through his time at UGA, involvement with YF&R, and various agriculture internships, Belflower came to start his career with GFB. 在这个职位上,他将负责在立法领域代表格鲁吉亚农业,并努力在格鲁吉亚大会之前推进格鲁吉亚农业委员会的政策. 

We are excited to have these two join our team and excited to see the great work they will do on behalf of Georgia agriculture.


Right to Repair

On January 8th, 2023, during the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Convention in Puerto Rico, AFBF and John Deere signed a memorandum of understanding that ensures farmers' and ranchers' right to repair their own farm equipment. This is a culmination of years of discussions between AFBF and John Deere.

该协议使农民和独立维修设施能够使用工具, information, and resources needed to repair John Deere equipment while also protecting the intellectual property rights of John Deere products. "A piece of equipment is a major investment. Farmers must have the freedom to choose where equipment is repaired, 或者自己修复, to help control costs. The MOU commits John Deere to ensuring farmers and independent repair facilities have access to many of the tools and software needed to grow the food, fuel and fiber America's families rely on,AFBF主席Zippy Duvall说. 

The MOU sets parameters and creates a mechanism to address concerns. It requires AFBF and John Deere to meet at least twice a year to assess the effectiveness of the MOU. It is the hope of Farm Bureau that this original agreement with John Deere will be a model for other manufactures across the agricultural sector. 要阅读官方谅解备忘录,请点击下面.

View MOU


2023 Policies Established at the 104th AFBF Convention

Approximately 120 Georgia Farm Bureau leaders traveled to San Juan, Puerto Rico for the American Farm Bureau Annual Convention on January 6th. Attendees were able to participate in a full agenda of speakers and informative breakout sessions covering topics including leadership development, policy updates, and farm tours, 以及就2023年AFBF政策手册的政策决议进行投票的业务会议.

我们成员的出色工作也在整个星期的多个项目中得到了认可. GFB自豪地获得了AFBF四个不同类别的卓越奖-倡导, engagement & outreach, leadership & 业务发展和联盟 & partnerships. Additionally, the MycoLogic team, 肯尼索州立大学毕业, won the People's Choice Award in the Agriculture Innovation Challenge for their impressive culinary mushroom cultivation process and design. We are also very proud of the success and strong showing by Georgia's representatives in the Young Farmers & Ranchers Discussion Meet, Excellence in Ag, and Achievement Award competitions.

GFB自豪地获得了AFBF四个不同类别的卓越奖-倡导, engagement & outreach, leadership & 业务发展和联盟 & partnerships.



今年的十大靠谱网赌官方平台日定于2月14日星期二在国会大厦举行. 我们希望你们能借此机会和我们一起在州议会大厦倡导乔治亚州的农业,并与你们的立法者以及来自全州各地的其他农业局成员见面.

The event will begin at 9:30am in the Blue Room at The Georgia Freight Depot. The Depot is located on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive just northwest of the Capitol, at Underground Atlanta. Following orientation, we encourage everyone to visit with your legislators at the Capitol and invite them to come back with you to the Depot to enjoy lunch at noon. Invitations will be sent out to all legislators, but a personal invitation from you would be especially helpful.

免费保安停车场位于亚特兰大喜来登酒店停车场, 位于东北考特兰街165号, and a shuttle bus service will run from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

You can access event and registration information by clicking the button below - please complete the registration by January 20th.

Register Here


Dates to Remember

Please see below for a list of upcoming events related to Georgia Agriculture:

  • February 6-7: Forestry Day at the Capitol
  • February 14: Georgia Farm Bureau Day at the Capitol
  • February 21: Georgia FFA Day at the Capitol
  • March 6: Georgia Cattleman's Steak Biscuit Day


不是十大靠谱网赌官方平台的成员? Join Today!

The Georgia Farm Bureau Federation has a membership of almost 250,000 and serves as state's the largest general farm organization.  Our goal is to provide leadership and assistance to the agricultural sector, 推广农产品, 协助农业相关采购, to be a spokesman for the farmer in the legislative arena, to be a leader in the development and expansion of farm markets, and to strive for more agricultural research and educational funds and facilities.

With members in all 159 Georgia counties, 乔治亚州农场局致力于促进和改善我们县的农业, state and nation and in continually improving and expanding our service-to-member programs which serve to enhance the quality of life for all Georgians.

Membership in Georgia Farm Bureau is open to everyone. You don't need to be a farmer or have insurance with us to join Farm Bureau!

If you would like to become a member of Georgia Farm Bureau, you can start your membership online right now! 我们有一个简单的申请程序,你可以在几分钟内成为我们的新十大靠谱网赌官方平台. 点击下面的按钮或使用我们的 County Office Locator 找离你最近的办公室.



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Alex Bradford, Director
Adam Belflower,政府事务专员
Raynor Churchwell农业项目经理
Renee Jones,营运统筹
Jake Matthews,政府事务专员
Jeremy Taylor农业项目专家
Keaton Walker, Advocacy and Policy Development Specialist